Krosno Caro Whisky Decanter Carafe 750ml
Krosno Caro Whisky Decanter Carafe 750ml
Enjoy the finer things in life with this stunning Krosno Legend Whisky Carafe. Designed with a solid base and a classy square shape, this carafe will make the perfect modern addition to your home bar. This piece is expertly handcrafted from crystalline glass for improved clarity, tone, and durability to ensure your carafe will last you many years of use. Made in Poland and backed by Krosno's rich glassware crafting history, you can be assured that your Krosno piece is a timeless classic. This carafe is great for gifting to the whisky lovers in your life.
* Made in Poland
* 750ml capacity
* Handmade from crystalline for clarity, shine, and durability
* Distinct square shape with a solid base reminiscent of the artistry of traditional glass blowing
* Hand wash recommended